Wednesday, August 14, 2013

the accidental prayer walk

Prayer walk story part I:
So over the summer we meet with the youth group girls on Tuesday mornings for some Bible study time. One day (probably a couple weeks ago now) we watched a video from Mark Batterson in which he was describing to us the idea of being a "Circle Maker." (He has a book about it, you should check it out.) He shared a personal testimony about how when his church was first getting started and there weren't very many regular attenders He felt the call of God asking Him to walk around his church campus. To do a prayer walk. He ended up not only walking the whole church property, but the entire surrounding neighborhood and then continued onto a good couple of blocks after that, as well. I don't remember all the details very well but he committed to walking that same circle and praying specific things over it and claiming promises for his church for a certain number of days. Now, years later so many of the buildings he walked past or under or around have become vital parts to his now booming church and affiliated ministries. Now with the need for, I believe he said, 7 different campuses! How awesome is that?

(sidenote: did you notice a pattern there? I apparently have an extreme difficulty with paying attention to detail, but I still get the gist of things, right!? Lol)

At the end of the video, he went on to challenge us. To circle promises in God's word and claim them in prayer. Then also to commit to praying for something in the same place, at the same time, every day, for a certain number of days. I thought it was a great idea that day and I was excited to go home and get my prayer walk on. I went home, put my daughter down for her nap and went to a quiet place. Unfortunately, I couldn't really put my finger on anything specific that I wanted to dedicate my prayer time to. Nor could I decide about a specific place or route that I wanted to walk each day. So sadly, after being distracted by Facebook and probably something else, too, most likely pretty and/or shiny, I didn't really give it a whole lot of thought after that.

Prayer walk story part II:
This morning I met a friend at Starbucks, just to chat and catch up. Since we only have 1 vehicle currently and my sweet hubby is at work, I buckled my 1 year old in her stroller and we walked. I didn't really think about much of anything on the way there, besides the fact that the FL summer heat was already kicking my butt, making me sweat profusely because it was so scorching hot outside even though it was not even 10 in the morning yet.

On the way back, however, instead of going my normal route which would have taken only about 5 mins or so to be back home out of the now nearing 11am full-blown sun I decided to go a different way. I took the long way. What started it was my attraction to this particular side street. It was shaded with lots of big oak trees and just looked really inviting. I'm still not quite sure what exactly it was, but something told me to walk down this road. So I did. Even though it was not only off my normal course but would add an extra solid 10-15 mins to our trek home.

During our extra long walk we past some men working, a couple people biking, lots of houses, and a middle school. About half way down the road that tempted me with it's luscious shade trees, I wondered what the heck I was doing. If I should just turn around and go back the way I came because it would probably still end up being faster than circling all the way around like I would have to continuing this way. Then all of a sudden it hit me, DUH! I'm doing a prayer walk. Only I was forgetting to do the most important part; pray! So I started to pray about anything and everything and we continued on our walk. We ended up completely circling that middle school (of which I know nothing about, BTW). We came up on the left side of it, then walked right out in front of it, then circled back down around the right side to head towards home. I'm pretty certain there is a reason, a very specific reason, in fact, (of which I am currently unaware) for that.

So I did a prayer walk today, and it was kind of an accident. From what I know about God though, and the way He works, it really wasn't an accident at all. I have no earthly idea what will come of it, but I am claiming the promise that something will. There are no accidents with God. Nothing is just a coincidence. It all ends up coming together, even if just as the tiniest little piece of the puzzle of His big picture plan. I can't wait to see what He has in store. Specifically, for this area that I have "circled" and am now committing to walk regularly and pray specific things for and over, as I am led by His spirit to do so in these next 30 days. (too bad I didn't subconsciously commit to doing a prayer walk during a cooler part of the day, eyy!?;)

The prayer walk route I will be making for the next 30 days at about 10:30 am. Originally it started out a little bit smaller, but God and I decided to broaden the spectrum a tad bit, to make it a little more geometrical. Now it's a non-rounded, pentagon of a "circle." :)
* the link to the website for the book

Monday, August 12, 2013

a whole jar full of coins when all I needed was two dimes.. because that's just how God rolls.

At the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy and a little pathetic, I'm going to share a story with you. So I needed a dollar. There's a baseball game we're taking the youth group to tonight and because it's "family night" the cost to get in is only $1. No big deal. Well I don't generally have cash, like rarely ever. So I was scrounging up whatever change I could find laying around the house and I managed to scrape up eighty cents. Sweet. All I need is two dimes. Surely I can find twenty cents laying around here somewhere! I checked the last couple places I could think of and found a few pennies, but that was it. Man, this is sad, do I really not even have a dollar worth of change?

Then I noticed something on my book shelf behind a stack of things that I had let pile up for a while. I moved the rubbish and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing. Sure enough, there it was. It seemed to be shining with this halo-like outlining of glory, like a pile of gold. Complete with the opera singer sound that's made when you find something shiny and/or important. It was the answer to all my problems. A whole jar full of change! I could probably pay for everybody's way into the game if I wanted to. Okay, so maybe there wasn't that much, but definitely much more than I was expecting or hoping for, or needed. So I did a little happy dance, and smiled with satisfaction.

Then it hit me, isn't that exactly what God does? It's like we're praying for whatever it is we specifically need to barely scrape by. To have just enough, and what does He do? BAM! He greatly exceeds our wildest dreams. Goes way above and beyond what we could ever ask or imagine. Simply because He can, He loves us, and He enjoys not only providing for us but completely blowing our minds with His generosity. He wants us to taste and see how good He is, to worship Him for it, and to share this Truth with others.

I know sometimes it doesn't seem that way, sometimes it feels like we've been praying for something with no result for freakin ever but I can promise you that He does hear you. Even your simplest prayer. Even your quietest whisper. Even your most silent cry. He will respond to you, too. In His perfect timing. Brace yourself though, because when He does, it's likely it'll knock you off your feet! That's just how God rolls, I guess. He sees us down here all stressed out over two measly dimes and he laughs, not out of mockery, but more like sympathetically(emphasis on the pathetic;). It's humorous to Him how silly we are sometimes. Then he says with excitement, "Oh, you just wait!"

We have absolutely no idea the amount or to what extent the incredible and amazing things He has in store for us! I'm pretty sure that's why He commands us to just trust Him. To not worry about anything, but rather pray about everything. He is God after all. He knows what He's doing and He is definitely not lacking in any of the resources. Whatever it may be that we are currently in-need of. Be it twenty cents or a miracle healing. He's got this, so relax. I can promise you this, that right at this very moment He is working on something specifically for you that will completely blow you away, make you speechless, and help you recognize how big and awesome this God is that we serve and just how much He truly does care about each and every little detail of our lives.

Jamaica trip support letter

Greetings sweet friends and family!

I am thrilled to announce that I have been given the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Jamaica in November of 2013. I am asking you to embark on this exciting journey with me. While maybe not physically, I'd love for you to join me through your prayers and support! Thanks so much for taking the time to read over this letter and thanks even more for just being a part of my life and helping to shape the person I am, in Christ, today. 

I am going on this 9 day adventure (November 5-14) with Caribbean Christian Construction, a missions organization located in Mocho, Jamaica dedicated to helping the people better their situations mostly through building projects; in which they are working along side them in order to teach them trades, as well. On top of evangelizing in the community and discipling the new believers.While we are there we will be putting a roof on their church building. The walls are up and ready for the roof to be assembled. Our hope is to have the roof completely finished while we're there so that they can use their church building and are able to worship in it for the very first time. Obviously I don't have a whole lot of expertise to offer in that area but there are kids that like to hang out around the church yard and most of my time will be dedicated to reaching them. My goal is to build relationships through doing crafts and activities and to share the love of Jesus by teaching and simply just by loving on and spending time with them. I will also be helping out with a Bible study with the Jamaican women that will meet each morning. I am so looking forward to mentoring and encouraging these ladies. As well as, being mutually blessed by getting to know each of them and learning about the Jamaican culture. 

The calling God placed on my life back when I was just 12 years old and took my very first missions trip to Port Au Prince, Haiti is still very much alive today. As many of you are aware, I have a huge heart for missions and am incredibly passionate about working with children and women, specifically. So when my good friend Allan Detwiler, a building contractor and the organizer of this trip, approached me saying that he felt like I would be a good asset to his team I was more than ready and willing to commit. I am blessed and honored to be given this opportunity to allow God to use my love for and experience with children's ministry in whatever ways He has planned and I am prayerfully dedicating to do His will. I am so looking forward to this trip and am more than excited to see what the Lord has planned for it and everyone involved. 

Please pray with me as there are lots of things that need to be accomplished and have to come together in order for this trip to take place. Relying only on my faith in Him and in the way He's always provided for me in the past I am confident that it will. My total financial need for this trip is $1,200 and needs to be paid, in-full, by the end of September of this year. Any support received that exceeds my personal financial need will be put towards buying the tools and supplies needed for building the roof while we are there. Any beyond that will be used to bless and meet the needs of those residing and attending the church this ministry has started and built there in Mocho, Jamaica.

If you would like to come alongside me as I embark on this journey, through your support, any size gift would be very much appreciated. You can either mail a check to me personally at 2110 Brandy Place Lakeland, FL 33803, or you can mail your check directly to Carribbean Christian Construction (CCC) at 3230 Nichols Road Lithia, FL 33547. Just be sure to include my name in the memo if sending your gift to CCC, or whatever it may be that you specifically wish to support regarding this trip. Also if you have a surplus of some sort of resource that you feel might be helpful to us on this trip and are willing to donate (be it hygiene products, small toys, clothes, craft supplies etc.) please feel free to contact me via Facebook or phone (cell #: 352-745-2003) so that we can work out details with that. Thanks so much, in advance!

I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity to Go and Serve and I cannot wait to come back and share with you through stories and pictures the amazing things I'm sure that are to take place on this missions trip. Thank you so much for your support and especially for your prayers. Please join me as I am praying specifically that God will use me by speaking through me and that He will open the hearts of His precious children and let them be attentive and sensitive to His voice so that they may know Him and be saved. Much love to you all and God bless!

Jordyn Miller

Isaiah 68:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

1 Peter 4:10  
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

 Our fearless leader and my good friend, Allan Detwiler working on a project in Jamaica.
 A little back-story: I first met Allan when we both signed up to help out with our church, Legacy Christian's, local service project, Operation Serve. We were going to canvas the neighborhood to find out the needs of those around us so that we could come together as a church body and the body of Christ to meet those needs, with no strings attached. Simply because as children of God it's what He has commanded us to do. Allan and I were teamed up as partner's for this day of meeting and greeting our neighborhood people. I made a joke about the fact that Allan was old enough to be my dad and we all had a good laugh. God did awesome things through that first day of service and then further when we actually went on to meet the specific needs of those people (and He still is). It's awesome that a friendship that began through serving our community locally is now continuing to serve alongside one another in another country. Also, I am grateful to have one of my spiritual "Dads" looking out for me while I'm there so far away from my home and family. 
Allan and his team from a previous trip to Mocho, Jamaica 

Friday, August 2, 2013

how feeling like I had "the right to be angry" almost ruined our marriage

This post is different than any one I've written before. Instead of talking with symbols and ambiguously I am going to expose myself. My flaws. Specifically regarding my marriage, and my short-comings as a wife that I am now being made aware of. I am vulnerably putting myself out there because I feel like the things I am about to share will help others as well as me with my own personal growth. So, let's get on with it..

My sweet hubby and I have been going through kind of a rocky stage for a while now. We're just a couple babies with a baby (who happens to be the funniest and most amazing little one year old girl I've ever met;) of our own. We are high school sweethearts and have been together over 5 years now (married for 2). I guess you could say we've gotten to the point where it's far from that starry-eyed "happily ever after" and it's more like we're just going through the motions. We've kind of lost the romance. The fireworks. The excitement, that we once had. We're just making our way through this journey called life, together; but most days instead of cherishing each moment and enjoying one another, we're struggling to even have a decent conversation. The "D" word is completely unacceptable in our house. Especially being that we both experienced first-hand the ugly and heart-breaking aftermaths of divorce. We made a commitment to ourselves, to each other, and to God that we would not ever let it get to that point. We can always work it out. Can't we? Lately, there's been more downs than ups. More bickering than laughing. It's been hard.

Last night though, we finally had a breakthrough. We finally were able to connect with each other and were open and honest with one another about our fears and feelings, our hopes and our struggles. Both of us immediately felt this huge weight lifted. Like we had been bottling these things up for so long and were finally been able to just let it all out. I feel personally responsible for the majority of our lack of solid communication here in the last year or so. Not that he is perfect, we both played our parts but God has opened my eyes to things I've never seen (or cared to see) before, in regards to the way I treat my husband. I have to own up to that and try and make it better. After we had talked a little bit Ry shared with me the reason he felt so comfortable opening up at that moment was because for once I was listening. Really listening. Just listening, and not reacting.

I guess I have the tendency to fly off the handles and respond in ways that are less than inviting and in no way positive or encouraging. I have not been very good at being "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." In fact, I have pretty much mastered the opposite. If he said something I didn't like or disagreed with I would immediately jump down his throat and belittle him. Making him feel terrible and regret ever having brought it up. Now you see why I am placing the blame mostly on myself, right? How on earth is he ever supposed to open-up to me about anything if he doesn't feel like he is in a safe place? Where he won't get attacked for saying something I think is wrong. I am so glad that for whatever reason last night, I decided to put down all my defense weapons and really just hear him out, without getting upset. He was so relieved when I did that and it made a tremendous difference, almost immediately, in the way we interacted with one another. It allowed us to be real. Gave us room to be free. To say the things that we not only wanted, but the things that needed to be said.

 So what the crap was my problem in the first place? What did all that stem from? I guess you could say I felt like I had the right to be angry. The things that Ryan was struggling with I just could not accept. They were too big for me. And due to my own personal experiences with them, too hurtful as well. Instead of giving him the grace that I should, that I myself am constantly in-need of and am ever so often receiving, I just became angry. I took it personally and held it against him. I resented him for the things he was doing. Which in-turn made me cold and unapproachable, making him distant and reserved.

There are so many things wrong with what I was doing and the way I was handling things. One: I was being a complete hypocrite. I have my own struggles, one of which being my self-righteous attitude and ignorance to my own flaws. I was pointing out the speck in his eye while failing to notice the plank in my own. Two: I was completely disrespecting my husband. The one I am commanded to respect and submit to. The one I chose to do life with. The one I committed my heart to, solely. Three: I was deliberately disobeying God. He was asking me to surrender this thing to Him. To trust Him. To be still and let Him handle it. I refused, though, tried to take matters into my own hands and created this whole mess. (and the list could go on, and on..)

Recently, I had texted one of my closest friends and asked her to pray for me, regarding this situation. Regarding something that Ryan happened to be struggling with. I told her that I just really wasn't sure how to handle it. That I didn't know what I was supposed to do about it. She assured me that she'd be praying for me and I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and with the answer fresh on my mind, I knew exactly what I was supposed to do about this particular scenario. Nothing at all. I struggled with that but then it became clear to me that on top of disobeying God I was trying to be him. I had felt like it was too big of an issue for me to handle, because it is. It is not up to me to fix my husband from all his so-called "problems." He is a child of God-- flaws and all-- as am I and we are both responsible to Him alone for our actions.

I can honestly say that I've learned a very valuable lesson. I've discovered a key ingredient to not only just staying married but being happily united with my one true love and very best friend. The secret is this: Shut up and listen! Without judgement. Which is obviously the same way in which I would like to be treated. It doesn't get any more cliche than that. The number one Sunday school answer. The golden rule. But it's the dang truth. My attitude towards my husband and my over-reaction to things not only drew us away from one another but could have potentially ruined us. Luckily, I have a man who is very patient with me and forgiving and a God who is bigger than us both and is teaching us daily, through His unfailing love, how to love one another in the same way, unconditionally.

After all, we did commit to, for better or worse, didn't we!? It is in no way easy which is probably why the Bible warns us about the troubles that come to those who choose to get married. It completely goes against human nature in more ways than one. It is so incredibly more than worth it though. Now I can say with confidence (as  a work in progress, of course) that I am thoroughly enjoying attempting to actually live out the things that I said before. Back when Ryan surprised me with my life-long dream of riding in a hot air balloon and I said "yes" to his big question, and then 4 months later on that beautiful day at the beach where we looked into each other's eyes and made those promises, that life-long commitment and meant it.

James 1:19

Listening and Doing

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

Matthew 7:3-5

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Ephesians 5:22-23

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.

Matthew 19:4-6

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’[b]? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Thursday, August 1, 2013

the playground of life

I woke up this morning feeling exhausted. Not physically, but mentally. I feel like a kid who's been running around on the playground all day long. Literally out of breath from constantly racing from one thing to the next.

Currently, I'm on the seesaw. Worn out from the seemingly endless ups and downs of life that threaten to overwhelm me on a regular basis. One minute I'm up and for a second everything's good then it's right back down I go, and there's no break in between. I'm right smack dab in the middle of a constant battle. The struggle to rise up after I've fallen only to be brought back down again, momentarily. I'm struggling to find that balance. Between the highs and the lows. Between the good and the bad. Where I can just be even if for just a brief point in time.
*see·saw- change rapidly and repeatedly from one position, situation, or condition to another and back again;

Now I'm on to the merry go round. I get on (at my own risk) and it starts moving. It seems fun and exciting, at first, exhilarating even. Then, before I even realize what's happening it's spinning out of control, I feel like I am going to be sick, and all I want to do is bail. Getting off, however, is much more challenging than it was just to step on like I did to begin with. Now, it's going full speed and my only exit option is to close my eyes, and jump off. Praying that I land in a nice soft spot in the dirt and that I can walk away without any serious injuries.
*merry go round- a never-ending cycle of activities and events (especially when they seem to have little purpose)

Next is the swing. Probably the most pleasant thing there is to do at the park. It's where everyone wants to be so there's usually a line of people, waiting for their turn. You're just swaying along, the wind in your hair, without a care in the world. You got a nice supportive seat under you and two strong chains to hold on to. And the best part, you're in control. It's completely up to you how fast or high you go and how long you stay on. When it slows down you just start pumping your legs until you've reached the place you want to be at. Then at any given moment, you can just stick your foot down to stop it and hop off.

The jungle gym is what's left. Also, so creatively, known as the climbing structure. You start at the bottom and you work your way up. The higher you climb, the bigger the risk. You climb anyways, though, because it's worth it. The satisfaction of reaching the top far outweighs the potential risk of falling. Once you finally get all the way up there, no matter how many tries it took, or how many times you talked yourself out of it and carefully climbed back down in fear: You made it now, so you just sit there and take it all in. Now you are able to see everything from a new perspective and as you look down from above you are proud of what you've accomplished.

Life may not always be as it seems it should. We may get skipped when we feel like it's supposed to be our turn on the easygoing swing of serenity. We may be sick and tired of the non-stop teeter totter of emotions constantly going back and fourth in our minds. What we need to realize, though, is that life, this playground we've been given the opportunity to experience, it only happens once. We need to make the best of it and do the best with what we've got. We need to make time for what's important and not sweat the small stuff. We need to realize that God placed each and every one of us here, created us, for a specific purpose. So whether we are enjoying our current situation or not we've got to keep putting one foot in front of the other. We've got to play on.

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.