Saturday, April 20, 2019

Thailand Mission Trip

Friends & family, 

 am so pleased and excited to announce that I officially will be heading back to Pattaya, Thailand for mission work this summer. A team including myself and three other women from our church, Legacy Christian of Lakeland, FL will be going to stay with local missionaries Don & Judi Stinnett. We will be leaving for our trip on July 22nd and coming back August 7th. Our main goal for these two weeks that we'll be there is to help them with all of the different ministry organizations that they’re involved in. Serving alongside them as they faithfully fulfill their call to “Love God & Love People.” This couple is the epitome of that phrase and truly exemplifies the message behind it. God is using them in powerful ways which I was blessed enough to be able to witness for myself last year. So grateful to be given another opportunity to play a small part in all they’re doing there through Mission Pattaya-- feel free to follow their facebook page for updates:). I am so stoked to be going back again and cannot wait to see what all God has in store for our team and all those we are going there to reach. 

Pattaya is the sex trafficking hub of the world and horrific numbers of women (and "lady boys") are sold and bought off of those streets every single night. One of the ministries we’ll be serving with while there is called the Tamar Center. Which provides a sort of safe haven for women who choose to leave the sex industry. At the Tamar Center these women (along with their children—which is huge!) are housed, fed, taught a new trade (like cooking, making jewelry, beauty school, etc) with which to make money honorably, and most importantly they’re given the hope of restoration through Jesus. Along with bible study classes, and women’s group meetings they attend weekly they're also provided with therapeutic counseling sessions so that they are able to work through the intense amounts of trauma that the majority of them endured during their time on the streets. This incredible ministry is providing such an extreme positive change in the lives of these women who so desperately need it and many powerful things have taken place as a result. I am truly so honored to get to work alongside them again. Part of our time will be spent walking around the bar streets talking to the women working there to let them know that there is hope for them beyond what they're seeing around them currently. We share with them information about the Tamar Center and of course about the love and transforming power of Jesus Christ. 

Along with the bar ministry we will be teaching English at a secondary school, working with Cambodian refugees (who have no rights at all in Thailand and therefore their basic needs are barely met, if it all) offering health clinics, food packs, and kids camps. We will also be going to several churches to share our testimonies and serve the local people in whatever capacity is needed. Our hearts' desire is to love on everyone we encounter there while pointing them to Jesus. Shining His life-giving light in a place of such extreme darkness and deprivation. This trip last year was incredibly impactful for me personally on top of being abundantly fruitful. God is blessing these ministries and true change is taking place in Pattaya, Thailand. It’s beautiful to witness and humbling to be a part of. 

Would you like to partner with us? There are several ways to do so. First and foremost, your prayers are huge. We welcome them now (and always) especially for our team as we prepare our hearts and minds for all that God is going to do there this year and the role He will have us play in it. Also, more importantly, for those we will be ministering to that God would move in their hearts and that they would feel His love through us and be receptive to the Truth which we've come to share with them. Secondly, financial support is also very much needed to help cover plane tickets, our stay/food while there, and supplies we'll be bringing with to be a blessing to and meet the needs of those we'll be serving. Every little bit counts so if you are able and would like to give towards this trip it would be so greatly appreciated. Checks can be made out to Legacy Christian Church. Thanks so much in advance for coming alongside us and helping to make this trip possible for the team and myself through your fervent prayers and generous support. May God richly bless all of these efforts for the glory and growth of His Kingdom. Much love and many blessings to you all! 

-Jordyn Miller 

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