Monday, April 25, 2016

Mexico Mission Trip 2016 support letter

Dear friends and family,

I have been given an incredible opportunity to be a part of a mission trip to Mexico City this summer. The trip is being organized by our church, Legacy Christian, together with one of our missionary families, the Hancocks. They have started one church already on the north side of Mexico City, and are in the process of planting a 2nd church.

The date for the trip is set for July 16-25, 2016. A big part of the trip will be to do a V.B.S. with the children from the Hancocks’ first church plant. Which I am easily most excited about considering my love & passion for children of all ages & I'm delighted at the opportunity to share Christ's love with them.

I am incredibly excited about this trip, but a lot of things need to happen before arriving in Mexico. I could use your support in a couple of ways. First, and most importantly we are asking for your prayers. Pray that all the preparations go smoothly and for myself & the team of 6-10 other missionaries going as we prepare our hearts & minds in these next couple of months leading up to the trip to be used by God in whatever ways he has planned. Pray also that the trip itself accomplishes the goal of sharing the love of God with all the different people we encounter in Mexico, children & adults alike.

Secondly, I am raising financial support to make it possible for me to go. The estimated cost for this trip is $1460 and will be broken up in the following payment installments:
April 15  -$250
May 15  -  $250
June 15 -   $250
July 1st – remaining balance

I know God is faithful & am confident that He will provide!

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read about my mission trip opportunity, and I hope that you will prayerfully consider partnering with me through your prayers and support.

I can't wait to see what God has in store for this trip, & all those involved.

Much love & God bless,

Jordyn Miller

*please make checks payable to: Legacy Christian Church

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