Wednesday, July 3, 2013

esse quam videri

"To be, rather than seem (to be)"

This quote is my new motto. I am challenged by it. It so radically could change our culture, our generation, if applied. Who most of the time is way more hung up on, focused on the 'seeming to be' part. It's all about the appearance. We're so worried about what other people think about us that we work our whole lives trying to create this seemingly perfect image that, in all actuality, looks nothing like our true self. It looks good, nonetheless, so that's the mask we put on every morning. We feel like we have to hide our flaws because we are living in a world where failure is completely unacceptable. We become so accustomed to putting on this show that we start to believe it truly is our reality. What we don't realize, is that by doing so it is literally having a snowball effect. It is part of the very reason our world as we (or our grandparents, rather) used to know it-- is crumbling around us.

We need to be aware that all around us, anywhere and everywhere we turn, someone is there. Someone who is watching us. Looking up to, admiring us, even. They see us, all concerned with our appearance and obsessed with attempting to attain this false sense of perfection and so that's what they do. Then those looking up to them after and so fourth. Monkey see, monkey do. We've slowly but surely assisted in creating a world that cares more about how good we look in a picture than say, having an actual conversation where we could be discussing real life issues, and together could be trying to tackle them.

It's funny, really (but not at all) because I am sure every single one of us has made a comment or at least, had a thought about how sad it is; what this world is coming to. We need to wake up and recognize that whether intentionally or not, by just succumbing to the new 'norm' of our society, we had a hand in that. If that is really a concern of ours, well then it's time to stop just blindly following the so-called "leaders" of this generation (and no, I don't mean the president). I mean the ones we really look up to, the ones we try so hard to be like, to look like. It's time to stop indulging this beast. Max Lucado put it this way, "feed your faith and your fears will starve to death." I picture it as a positive domino effect where all the facades we've put up and the walls we've built around our hearts, are falling to the ground. That moment when we stop letting the fear of what everyone else thinks about us dictate our every move; when we start giving our attention to what really matters: helping those in need, showing love to all, forgiving our enemy, even. That's when things will start to change.

I personally, am so fed up with the BS (for lack of a better way of putting it) and am more than ready to start  a change in my own life. I know it's not going to be easy, it's like any other bad habit that is incredibly effortless to start and then nearly impossible to kick. It is indeed, possible however, and it will indeed happen. I am believing God for that miracle because I know that He also, detests what this world has become and hates to see His children suffer the way they do, even when it's at the expense of our own hands. Even when we are the very cause of our own pain.

esse quam videri
"to be rather than seem (to be)"

What does that mean to me personally? Well, I'd like to actually be a good Mother to my baby girl, not just seem like it. I'd like to actually be an awesome wife to my sweet hubby not just appear to be. I'd like to actually be a woman after God's own heart and not just claim to be. By doing so, by focusing more on my heart than my wardrobe I am taking the first steps to my recovery. Why? Because I can't stand what I see when I look around or watch the news anymore than the next guy but I'm sick of just talking about it like it's completely out of my control. I may not be able to save or even change the whole world but I sure can, by simply adjusting my attitude, make a difference in my own home, my own church, my own community. Lord help me not to just seem to be, but rather, by Your power in me, actually be-- different.

Main Entry:
difference [dif-er-uhns, dif-ruhns] 
Part of Speech:noun
Definition:dissimilarity, distinctness
antithesis,asymmetry, change
discongruity, discrepancydisparity,
dissemblance, distinctiondivergence
nonconformity, opposition
particularity,peculiarity, separateness, 
unlikeness, unorthodoxness, 

Challenge accepted.

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